The Gospel Story - 10/23/2022

October 25, 2022

In this story, God’s sovereignty and purpose plays a part.

John 9:1-13

Verses 1-13 – Jesus performed a miracle by recreating the eyes of a man who was born blind.

Four Factors to look at in this text:

  1. The Problem – (v. 1) Blind from birth.
  2. The Purpose – (v. 2) Why was he blind? – While sin may be the cause of suffering, it wasn’t the case here. (Numbers 12; 1stCor. 11:30; James 5:15
  3. The Power – (v. 6-7)
  4. The Perplexity – (v. 8-10)

The Problems we face with Unbelief

  1. Unbelief sets false standards.
  2. Unbelief always wants more evidence but never has enough.
  3. Unbelief does biased research.
  4. Unbelief rejects the facts.
  5. Unbelief is self-centered. (It’s always about me and only me.)
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