Series: The Gospel Story - The Beginning

March 20, 2022
Because God desired His glory to dwell among the people of Israel, He commanded Moses to build an exact, richly adorned tabernacle.
Just as the tabernacle was constructed to perfect specifications as a home for God Himself, so Christians are commanded to live holy lives today because the Holy Spirit dwells inside us.
God delivered the Hebrew people from Egypt, halting Pharaoh's army at the Red Sea, He gave Moses the law.
Because of the people’s consecration to God, these rules and rituals separated Israel from the surrounding culture. God also chose to dwell among them in the tabernacle.
Exodus 40:1–38; 1 Corinthians 6:19–20 
You can read about the blueprints of the tabernacle and its furnishings in Exodus 35:4–39:43.
If the church of God is God's house, what should you and I do?
Why we should earnestly seek as being a part of that temple always to retain the great inhabitant.
Let us not grieve his Spirit lest he leave his church for a while; above all let us not be hypocrites lest He never come into our hearts at all.
If the church is God's temple and God's house, let us not defile it.
The defilement of one stone in rebuilding virtually mars its perfection.
I began to discover that an understanding of our relationship with the Holy Spirit helps to soothe these anxieties. Instead of saying, ‘Look at all that God needs me to do for him,’ the Spirit reminds us to say, ‘Look at what God is empowering me to do.”
 The tabernacle would have been nothing without the presence of God; likewise, we are only able to live holy lives because of the Holy Spirit living in us.
This is how Moses set up the tabernacle. The Bible summarizes by saying, ‘And so Moses finished the work’ (v. 33).
The prophet did everything right. Over and over again the Bible says that he set up the tabernacle just the way God told him to. Everything was in place.
The only thing missing was the glorious presence of God.
This was not something that Moses could set in place.
With the right instructions, he could put the tabernacle together, but only God could fill it with glory.
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