Series The Gospel Story - The Beginning

February 13, 2022
Your suffering can bring glory to God and help others who are experiencing difficult circumstances.
Abraham’s faith was demonstrated in his actions.
Sometimes we don’t understand what God is doing.
Sometimes we need to trust being in the presence of God.
What is your definition of obedience?
“The act of conforming to the command of a superior out of due regard for their authority.” - Webster
Obedience simply put is to do what is asked.
To obey man is to what is asked of you to do.
To obey God, is to do what He commands/demands us to do.
Why must we obey God?
  • Because He is the ultimate authority.
What must we be obedient to?
  • God’s will.
  • God want’s obedience that doesn’t ask questions.
Our nature is to be disobedient.
What if God told you to give up your most precious possession?
Genesis 22:1-14
  1. Submit to God’s will. (v.1-3)
  2. Wait on God’s will. (v.4)
  3. Watch for God’s will. (v.5-8)
  4. Enter God’s will. (v.9-14)
Do you have an Isaac?
  • Something that brings you joy?
  • Something you have been praying for to God?
Abraham had to spiritually give up Isaac with his heart before he could physically give him up with his hands.
Because Abraham was willing to lay down Isaac. God blessed him greater than Abraham could ever imagine.
Abraham’s obedience affected not only him and his family, but also generations to come. (v.15-18)
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