Series: The Gospel Story - Passover
Passover – the major Jewish spring festival which commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, lasting seven or eight days from the 15th of Nisan.
Friday, April 15th – Saturday, April 23rd, 2022.
Nisan – the seventh month of the civil year in the Jewish calendar.
Rosh Hashanah – Jewish New Year – September 6th-8th, 2021.
Yom Kippur is the holiest, most important day of the year in Judaism, known as the “Day of Atonement.”
- Begins sundown of October 4th – evening of October 5th.
Yom Kippur commemorates the day Moses came down from Mount Sinai after seeking God’s divine forgiveness for the Israelites who sinned against him by worshipping a golden calf idol.
Yom means “day” in Hebrew, and Kippur means to atone (Day of Atonement).
Throughout the 10 Days of Awe (Repentance) leading up to Yom Kippur, those practicing Judaism have been reflecting on the personal aspects of the past year, deciding how to improve, seeking forgiveness, and showing compassion to others.
What is the menaing of the Seder?
The Hebrew word “seder” translates to “order.”
The Passover seder is a home ritual blending Jewish rituals, food, song, and storytelling. Held on the first and sometimes second night of Passover.
It’s a time to process where you are in your relationship with God and a celebration of freedom.
Why four cups of wine by the seder?
Wine is considered a royal drink, one that symbolizes freedom. It is the appropriate beverage for the nights when we celebrate our freedom from Egyptian bondage.
When promising to deliver the Jews from Egyptian slavery, G‑d used four terms to describe the redemption (Exodus 6:6-8):
- "I shall take you out..."
- "I shall rescue.."
- "I shall redeem.."
- "I shall bring .."
Israel was liberated from Pharaoh's four evil decrees:
- Slavery.
- The ordered murder of all male children by the Hebrew midwives.
- The drowning of all Hebrew boys in the Nile by the Egyptians.
- The decree ordering the Israelitesto collect their own straw for use in their brick production.
The four cups symbolize Israel’s freedom from their four exiles:
- The Egyptian.
- Babylonian
- Greek exiles.
- The current exile which we hope to be rid of very soon with the coming of Moshiach.
Moshiach - (lit. “the anointed one”) the Messiah. One of the 13 principles of the Jewish faith is that G-d will send the Messiah to return the Jews to the land of Israel, rebuild the Holy Temple and usher in the utopian Messianic Era.
When promising to deliver the Jews from Egyptian slavery, G‑d used four terms to describe the redemption (Exodus 6:6-8):
- "I shall take you out..."
- "I shall rescue.."
- "I shall redeem.."
- "I shall bring .."
Jesus has made us 4 promises as well:
- Sanctification – I will bring you out from your enslavement of sin.
- Deliverance – I will rescue you from yourself.
- Redemption – I will redeem you with outstretched arms.
- Restoration – I will take you to myself for a people and I will be your God.