Series: The Gospel Story

January 2, 2022
All of Scripture points to Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection.
In our highly individualistic culture, it’s important to realize that the story of the universe isn’t about us; it’s about the Glory of God.
The structure of the Bible:
Hermeneutics is the art and science of interpretation; the study and establishment of the principles by which it is to be interpreted.
Biblical exegesis is the actual interpretation of the Bible; the brining out of its meaning.
Luke 24:13–35
Jesus calls the disciples He meets on the road to Emmaus “foolish” (24:25).
The word for foolish in Greek is anoētos.
Paul uses the word twice to refer to the Galatians who had left the Gospel behind (3:1, 3) and once to refer to the temptations that the rich fall into (1 Timothy 6:9).
He also uses it to describe himself and his fellow workers’ condition before the coming of the Gospel(Titus 3:3).
During this walk to Emmaus, Jesus does what this series should seek to do and proclaim: show the central message of the Scriptures, which is nothing more than Jesus Himself.
Jesus’ status as truthful interpreter was vindicated by God when God raised Him from the dead.
In His death, and resurrection, Jesus conformed to the Scriptural pattern of righteous sufferingand divine vindication.
As the new year begins, use this “fresh start” as an opportunity to know and love the Word of Godmore than ever before.
This “fresh start” begins by applying the message of the text we study in the Word..
God’s story reminds us that we’re not the center of the universe.
When we realize this important truth, we position ourselves to better serve God.
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