Series: The Church Defined - 11/8/2020

November 10, 2020
Here are the notes from Pastor David's message:
1st Corinthians 12:4-11
It’s now time for us to look at the mission of the local Church body.
What is our purpose?
Why are we here?
Why does the Pastor and Staff always ask us to serve?
Why is there a need to give to the local Church?
Why should we love those that don’t love us?
Why should we serve those that don’t serve others?
So, what is the purpose of the believer and the local body?
As a believer: We have one common goal….to point people to Jesus.
As a local body: We exists to connect imperfect people to a perfect God by knowing God, finding freedom, discovering your purpose and making a difference. Our desire is to see lost people saved; saved people pastored; pastored people trained; trained people mobilized.
So, if Jesus is all-powerful, why does the local body need me?
How can the Church accomplish its mission with the “new normal” we are being forced to live in?
“Let’s redefine normal – we’ve focused on this “new normal” but let’s redefine normal. – Pastor Adam
The way that we do this is understanding what gifts dwells inside of me through the power of the Holy Spirit.
So, what are gifts of the Spirit?
These are not human talents, skills or abilities. They are given to us by the Holy Spirit that dwells inside of us. – (v.7 & v. 11)
There are two areas that our spiritual gifts fall into: (these can come up on the same slide 1x1)
Speaking: prophecy, wisdom, knowledge and teaching.
Serving: leadership, giving, mercy, faith and discernment.
Paul speaks again on these gifts in Romans 12:6-8.
Peter speaks on the gift in 1st Peter 4:10-11.
These gifts help the Church operate and meet the mission that God has called the Church to do.
They are given to edify the Church and glorify God.
God gives us what we need to serve the local community that He has placed us in and glorify Him in allthat we say and do. (Romans 12:6)
Manifestation of the Spirit
  • No matter what the gift, ministry, or effects, all spiritual gifts are from the Holy Spirit.
  • They make Him known, understood, and evident in the Church and in the world.
the word of wisdom” – is often used in the NT of the ability to understand God’s Word and His will and apply that to understanding life. (Matt. 11:19; 13:54; Mark 6:2; Luke 7:35; Acts 6:10; James 1:5; 3:13; 2ndPeter 3:15).
the word of knowledge” – majors on grasping the meaning of the truth; wisdom emphasizes the practical conviction and conduct that applies it.
faith” – this is different from saving faith or persevering faith, both of which all believers possess, this gift is exercised in persistent prayer and endurance in intercession, along with a strong trust in God in the midst of difficult circumstances.
healing” – a temporary sign gift used by Christ (Matt. 8:16), the Apostles (Matt. 10:1), and the seventy(Luke 10:1).
Believers today do not hold this gift as Christ did, but God still hears the prayers of those praying for healing (James 5:13-16).
prophecy” – meaning “speaking forth” or to “proclaim”.
tongues” and “interpretation” – This gift was clearly identified in Acts 2:5-12 as languages, which validated the Gospel as divine.
This is a gift that not only today is mis-used but Paul speaks on how those in Corinth abused it in 1stCorinthians 14.
Today in many churches across the world the gift of tongues is still used but must be within order.
I believe that if someone speaks in tongues publicly at a volume for the Church to hear then there should be an interpretation. An exception to me would be prayer and worship in tongues at the volume that doesn’t fill the room or disturb others.” Pastor Friend
The thing for us to know is….
  • The source of these gifts come from the Holy Spirit.
  • It nothing you have to go and look for; you just need to tap into it.
  • It’s not for our glory but for God’s glory.
  • The Church has a focus to point people to Jesus.
  • So, let’s go move and trust in Him who the power comes from.
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