Even in our
disbelief our
minds still
believe in the spoken
Words of Christ.
Timeline of Events:
- Jesus prays in the Garden.
- Jesus is arrested.
- Jesus stands before Caiaphas (The high priest).
- Jesus handed over to Pilate.
- Jesus delivered to be Crucified.
- Jesus dies on the Cross.
- Jesus is buried.
Matthew 27:62-66
62 The
next day, that is,
after the
day of Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered before Pilate 63 and said, “Sir,
we remember how that
impostor said, while he was
still alive, ‘
After three days I will rise.’ 64 Therefore order
the tomb to be
made secure until
the third day, lest his disciples
go and stealhim away and tell the
people, ‘
He has risen from the
dead,’ and the
last fraud will be worse than the
first.” 65 Pilate said to them, “You have a guard of soldiers. Go, make it as
secure as
you can.” 66 So they went and made the
tomb secure by
sealing the stone and
setting a guard.
62 The
next day, that is,
after the
day of Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered before Pilate….
- “The next day” – The Sabbath (shabbat) – comes from the Hebrew word “Shavat” – to rest. “Shabbat shalom” – Peaceful Sabbath
- “day of Preparation” – Friday (Mark 15:42; Luke23:54; John 19:31).
63 and said, “Sir,
we remember how that
impostor said, while he was
still alive, ‘
After three days I will rise.’
- “We remember” – even after all of their challenges to Jesus about who He was and His teachings, there was one thing that stuck with them all.
- “imposter” - a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, especially for fraudulent gain.
- “still alive” – proof that Jesus did die.
- “After three days I will rise” – Powerful words spoken by Christ that they remembered after all of their challenges of who He was.
’ 64 Therefore order
the tomb to be
made secure until
the third day, lest his disciples
go and steal him away and tell the
people, ‘
He has risen from the
dead,’ and the
last fraud will be worse than the
- “the tomb” – Joseph a rich man and member of the Sanhedrin. This was his personal tomb. (Joseph asked Pilate for Jesus’ body.)
- Sanhedrin - The Sanhedrin were assemblies of either twenty-three or seventy-one elders, who were appointed to sit as a tribunal in every city in the ancient Land of Israel.
- Why is this important enough for Gospel writers to mention?
- Isaiah 53:9 - 9 And they made his grave with the wicked and with a rich man in his death, although he had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth.
65 Pilate said to them, “You have a
guard of soldiers. Go, make it as
secure as
you can.”
- It doesn’t matter what you try to do, you cannot overpower
- No army can hold back the will of the Father.
66 So they went and made the
tomb secure by
sealing the stone and
setting a guard.
- The tomb had already been sealed by Joseph, but they didn’t think that was enough.
- So, they sealed the stone so no one could roll it back.
Matthew 28:11-15
11 While they were
going, behold,
some of the guard went into the city and told the
chief priests all that had
taken place. 12 And when they had assembled with the elders and taken counsel, they gave a
sufficient sum of money to the soldiers 13 and said, “
Tell people, ‘
His disciples came by night and stole him away while we were asleep.’ 14 And if this comes to the governor’s ears, we will satisfy him and
keep you out of trouble.” 15 So
they took the money and
did as they were directed. And
this story has been
the Jews to this day.