Thankfulness begins and ends in God’s sustaining love.
We often don’t recognize goodness with the same reaction as when we recognize evil.
God’s goodness prompts His mercy and grace.
Hebrews 12:28–29
Everything good that we receive or know, or experience comes from God alone.
Because God is good, His love endures forever.
The greatest example of answering evil with good is in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
The Holy Spirit enables us to be able to give thanks in all circumstances because God is with us.
Our strongest hope is in the unshakable kingdom of God; thankfulness is the result.
Hebrews 12:28
“Kingdom” – God will create a “new” Heaven and Earth.
Be encouraged that as a Believers you are a part of an immovable, firm foundation that no earthly circumstance can shake.
Thankfulness isn’t always about feeling happy or having an emotional reaction.
It is a posture and a discipline that comes from our identity being strongly held by Jesus and on the unshakablefoundation of God himself and the kingdom He is building versus our circumstances.
Be encouraged that as a Believer, you are a part of an unmovable, firm foundation that no earthly circumstance can shake.
Practice thanfulness.
Remeber the life of Christ as faithful and good, and on His promise that He goes to prepare a place for you in His unshakable kingdom.