Series: Change Your World

October 11, 2021
Join us this week as Pastor David opens up a new series called Change Your World.
Everyday, people live lives that gets them by.
Every day, believers struggle with the question, “How can God use me?”
What breaks your heart?
What things have you been through that you can utilize to “be the switch?”
Matthew 28:16-20
We’re going to look at what it means to make an impact right where you are in life and how to discover what you’re called to do.
A light switch on a wall causes power to go through the light bulb, thus, illuminating everything in the room.
We’re called to be the switch and illuminate the world around us.
It doesn’t matter who you are, where you’ve been, or what you’ve done, God can still use you to fulfill His purposesand plans.
  1. It’s Not Your Past – Paul (Acts 9)
Paul received a call from God. It changed everything for him.
He had a messed-up past, but God still chose him to change the world during his lifetime.
God has a way of making up for our past and even leveraging it for His glory.
  1. It’s Not About You – John (John 1:23)
John knew his call. He knew that he wasn’t Jesus, but a tool to point people to Jesus.
Our call is the same. It’s not about us, it’s about God’s work in and through us.
  1. It’s About God – Moses (Exodus 2)
Moses was rescued at birth for a purpose.
Moses would ask, “How can I do it?”
God would do it through him. God empowers His people.
One of the greatest things we can know and remember about God is that He doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called.
God doesn’t use the perfect; He knows how to use us all perfectly.
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