Mark 12:30-31

The greatest commandment, given by Jesus, tells us to love God with all our mind, thoughts

and knowledge.

We will love God with all of our mind and allow our thoughts to be transformed by God.

Why is Jesus telling us to love God with all our heart, soul and mind?

Let’s understand the power of the Mind:

There are 4 main regions in the brain. The frontal lobe is the most malleable part of the brain

responsible for decision making. The cerebral cortex or neocortex is responsible for our ‘free

will’. It stores 90% of our brain’s neurons and manages information, attention, awareness,

thoughts, language and recordings of our knowledge and experiences. The parietal

lobe processes sensory information with the temporal lobe controlling smell, sounds, speech

and vision.

For every thought you have, a surge of electrical currents from your brain releases an unknown

number of neurochemicals, responsible for the operation of your nervous system. Your body

responds to each thought accordingly.

What, where, how and the length of time we give attention to something in life, along with our

repetitive thoughts forms our neurological wiring.

Concentrating on pain that exists within your body, sends electrical currents to your mind that

continues producing the pain.

Repetitive thoughts create connections in the brain that quickly become iron

clad. These thoughts move from conscious to unconscious ways of thinking and being. That is

how we act on autopilot.

The process of change requires forgetting what we know to discover new ways of

being. Regular meditation practices accelerate the achievement of this goal

and produce visible positive results.

Our state of being consists of our repetitive cycle of our constant thoughts combined with

the production of chemicals within our body which generates our emotions. This repetitive

cycle has a direct impact on our behavior.

To change our reality and heal our bodies the secret ingredient lies in making up our mind to

do so. We have the ability to fully recover and change our external circumstances.

Paul digs a little deeper into this in Romans 12:2

Romans 12:2

What we have to understand is that the mind is a place of worship.

Paul tells us the importance of the renewal of the mind and seeking truth and understanding.

Paul not only tells this to the Roman Church but also to the Ephesians in 4:23, Philippians in


So, Paul wants to continue to drive how the power of the mind in our daily walk with God

works. We can’t overlook the importance of our mind.

We can get caught up in so much junk in the world.

Paul says, “do not be conformed to this world.” This refers to assuming and outward expression

that does not reflect what is really inside.

The renewal of your mind happens when we allow the Holy Spirit that dwells inside of us to

change our thinking through consistent study and prayer.

A renewed mind is one saturated with and controlled by the Word of God.

So how do we love God with our minds?

– By allowing them to be transformed daily.

– By allowing our passion for Christ to show through all we say and do.

– By centering EVERYTHING in and under God’s Word.